Through talks, interviews and articles, College members express their understanding of the Dharma and share their inspiration with the wider sangha.
The College is made up of individuals, each of whom has dedicated his or her life to the Buddhist path within the context of the Triratna community. They have years of experience meditating, studying, developing friendship and helping to build and strengthen their community.
This section provides an opportunity to hear from them and the issues that propel their spiritual lives.

Going for Refuge in a Time of Fear
Padmavajra gives a talk on how to go for refuge in times of adversity, even in a time of fear.
Given the situation in the world today, with threat of sickness and great uncertainty, how do we practise as Buddhists? How do we continue to deepen our practice of loving kindness, of awareness? What is the real response to the situation we find ourselves in today?
Recorded on the 18th March 2020 in the Padmaloka shrine room, with an audience of the Padmaloka community.

Exploring Insight: Sadhana and the Goal of Life
In this talk given at Padmaloka in 2019, Maitreyabandhu explores the path to insight in the context of Triratna’s system of practice.
He does this by exploring the three myths of self-development, self-surrender and self-discovery, as well as spiritual death and spiritual rebirth in the dharma life

An Account of Dr. Ambedkar’s Conversion
This interview was conducted by Vassika, during the International Order Convention at Bodhgaya, India, on 28th February 2013, and filmed by Munisha.

Systole and Diastole: Public Ordination
A talk from Subhadramati on the Public part of the Ordination ceremony. Delivered on the three-month ordination course at Akashavana 2018.

The Many Blessings of Sadhana
by Mahamati
This talk was given on an Order weekend at Adhisthana in November 2019. It was the first Order gathering there after the death of Urgyen Sangharakshita.

Bhante, His Teachers and Sadhanas
Bhante has said that his sadhana practices and the teachers who gave him the practices are ‘inseparable’. This talk tells the story of how Bhante received each sadhana.
Talk given on the Women’s Private Preceptors’ Retreat at Adhisthana, February 2019.

Forgiveness and Happiness
Santavajri explores verses 4, 5 and 6 of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind. She begins with her realisation that a motivator for her spiritual practice has been a quest for happiness.
Touching on the themes of righteous indignation, spiritual bypassing, empathy, non-violent communication, envy and exploring apology, confession and working with betrayal, Santavajri poses the question as to whether we can forgive ourselves and move towards unconditional love for all beings.
Talk given at the Women’s Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, December 2018

Kamalashila has spent a lot of his adult life exploring meditation – and this talk looks at the subject as a crucial aspect of life and practice, with special consideration given to reflection on the six elements.
Talk given in 2004

by Ratnavyuha

Reflections on the Initiation Vase
by Punyamala

First Impressions: Joining the College
by Nagapriya

Remembering Urgyen Sangharakshita
by Maitreyabandhu

Unfolding, an extract from my autobiography
by Padmasuri

The City as a Forest
by Kamalashila